“You think you know all about it, then it seems you are wrong…”
In January 2015 I read a NY Times piece written by Mandy Len Catron entitled To Fall in Love With Anyone, Do This. In the article, Mandy shares her own experience trying out the 36 questions which, according to 1997 research by Arthur Aron, from the University of New York, are a catalyst for interpersonal closeness, supposedly the key ingredient for romantic love.
The Experimental Generation of Interpersonal Closeness: A Procedure and Some Preliminary Findings
I suppose one of the things which resonated with me the most was the idea that love is a choice. The most remarkable aspect of this questionnaire to me is that two people need to agree on going through it together. I guess that in itself is already a commitment. And, if approached wholeheartedly, a beautiful example of how to allow one's vulnerability to shine. Isn't this the perfect example of Brené Brown's words "what makes you vulnerable makes you beautiful"?
Credit image: The NY Times, Brian Rea
A few months later I came across the following TED Talk, Mandy's fairly more pragmatic take on the same subject. I find they absolutely complement each other.
And to my surprise, before 2015 was over, one of my favourite bands, Seafret - who I got to interview for my retired music blog Postmodern Mixtape - released the music video below.