TED Talk, Must watches Zaira Brilhante TED Talk, Must watches Zaira Brilhante


Having social-isolation imposed overnight has definitely sent pandora's box flying through the air.

Someone suffering from loneliness is constantly in fight or flight mode. The full extend of what this means and the impact it can have on anyone's wellbeing is the topic of Karen Dolva TEDx Talk.

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Feminism, Language, Must watches Zaira Brilhante Feminism, Language, Must watches Zaira Brilhante


And wishing to be a grown up? This title is a little tongue in cheek. Despite being 36 years-old and a production manager in film, I'm often - in a professional environment and otherwise - referred to as a girl. It seems like despite our wishes and best efforts, the world is reluctant at times to accept we've become fully grown women.

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Relationships, Research Zaira Brilhante Relationships, Research Zaira Brilhante


In January 2015 I read a NY Times piece written by Mandy Len Catron entitled To Fall in Love With Anyone, Do This. In the article, Mandy shares her own experience trying out the 36 questions which, according to 1997 research by Arthur Aron, from the University of New York, are a catalyst for interpersonal closeness, supposedly the key ingredient for romantic love.

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